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What is the WCMCF ?
The Wally Cooper Memorial Charity fund, was created from what used to be known as the West Hertfordshire Province's Outside Project. Each year the Province chooses a charity or cause from within the province boundary to become the chosen recipient of monies donated to this fund.

So, who's Wally Cooper ?
Wally Cooper was a member of the Leslie Haydn Walker Lodge, a Brother who tireless work for the RAOB assisted him in attaining the high office of Grand Alderman of Benevolence. To honour such a dignified character, after his death the province decided to rename the Outside Project to The Wally Cooper Memorial charity Fund.

Outside project ?
Slightly misleading, but refers to a charity or cause not within the RAOB order. The West Hertforshire province tries to ensure that nominated charities are not state funded (this includes grants from the Lottery) and that they work within the West Hertfordshire boundary. Too many donations are absorbed by administration costs, the brothers of the province prefer to see the money donated to the fund, and subsequently to the chosen charity or cause, used in a meaningful way.

Where does the money come from ?
From various sources, most notably the Brothers of the West Hertfordshire province themselves. Either through static donations from lodges each quarter, monies raised from special events like quiz nights, raffles and even the occasional head shave or two !

The lodges nominate a charity, what happens to the ones that aren't chosen ?
We actively encourage unsuccessful nominations to apply again, this is done through your Lodge Secretary. A charity or cause not being chosen does not preclude it from being nominated again, nor does a successful nomination enter any period where it can not be nominated again.

Who promotes all this ?
As the elected representative of the Province the Provincial Grand Primo is responsible for raising money, promoting awareness of the WCMCF and the chosen charity or cause. It is his prerogative how he does this but at the end of the year he will present a cheque from the WCMCF to a representative of that chosen charity or cause. this is usually at the PGL dinner and Dance.

If you have any questions about the WCMCF or if you would like to see a question and answer added to this list please contact Keith Bland.

The Charity supported this year is the Hospice of St Francis (click for more info)